Suvir Saran

Chef, Author, Consultant, Farmer | New York, NY, and New Delhi, India

Suvir Saran is a chef, consultant, restaurateur, hobby-farmer, and public speaker. A New Delhi-born-and-based culinary authority, Suvir is the author of three celebrated cookbooks: Indian Home Cooking, American Masala, and Masala Farm, and the chef-creator of THC, The House of Celeste, a modern Indian restaurant in Gurgaon. His Slice of Life column appears every two weeks in the Sunday Eye magazine of The Indian Express, where he shares musings in poetic prose that inspire provocative thinking and raise questions on life and living. Suvir’s approachable style helped demystify Indian cuisine and earned him the first Michelin star awarded to an Indian restaurant in America. In his fourth book, Instamatic, Suvir gives us food for thought sharing the inspiration behind his art and his journeys across multiple civilizations, from the land of his birth to the land of his karma. Through the medium of a simple iPhone, he shows us how to broaden our horizons and humanize one another, one image and musing at a time. @suvirsaran