Presenter Deadlines & Important Dates (see below)
US Presenters - Blank W-9 | Due Now
Travel Reimbursement Form | Due with receipts on 5/6/22
Contact for any travel, registration, and reimbursement logistics: Andrea May
Personalized recipe templates were emailed to each presenter, please contact Christina if you need a copy of yours | Recipe Submissions Due 2/23/22
Ingredient Reimbursement Form for use if you’re bringing any of your own ingredients | Due by 3/11/22
Contact for questions about recipes, ingredients and demonstration logistics: Toni Sakaguchi and Christina Adamson
Venue Photos for Presenters:
Presenter Contact List | Coming Soon!
Download the Global Plant-Forward PowerPoint Template | Presentations and Video Submissions Due 3/27/22
Contacts for Presentation Questions, Session Details and PPT & Video Submissions: Jennifer Breckner
NOW: Register as a presenter using the link we emailed to you. Submit your bio, headshot and W-9.
Early February: You will receive your schedule and go over any questions with the CIA team.
February 23: Deadline to send your recipes, using your personalized recipe submission form, to the CIA.
Early March: Discussions of your recipes with the CIA team for any questions and if adjustments need to be made for content and format of the presentation.
March: We will reach out regarding travel planning as applicable based on the terms of your letter . Confirm your lodging needs, if applicable, during the conference with Andrea May.
March 11: If you are bringing any of your own items and wanted to be reimbursed, the ingredient reimbursement form is due.
March 27: Deadline to send PowerPoint Presentations (download PPT template here) and videos to the CIA.
April 26-28: Welcome to Napa Valley!
May 6: Deadline to submit your any reimbursable travel receipts, using this form, based on the terms of your invitation to the CIA.