
Jian Yi

President, Good Food Fund; Beijing, China

Jian Yi is an internationally acclaimed filmmaker and founding president of the Good Food Fund,  under the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) in Beijing, China. He is a Yale World Fellow, an India-China Fellow, an Asian Cultural Council grantee, and visiting fellow to Cambridge University. Jian's films have won international awards and been shown around the globe including at New York's MoMA. Under his leadership, the Good Food Fund has become a leading initiative in China to promote a plant-forward dietary shift, and has co-founded the Food Forward Forum with Yale Hospitality, along with The Culinary Institute of America, University of Massachusetts, Harvard, University of Connecticut, and Google. Jian earned masters degrees from Beijing Broadcasting Institute and the University of Notre Dame, where he received a Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015. (Beijing, China)